soffensive blog

Another blog about software security issues

Practical Reverse Engineering Exercise Solutions: Windows Kernel Routines

I am currently developing my reverse engineering skills and want to keep some important parts of this journey as well in this blog. The first step of this series relates to disassembling Windows kernel routines, in my case Windows 7. What are the prerequisites for this exercise? Ideally, install Windows inside a virtual machine From Windows Vista onwards, the Kernel debugging mode has to be enabled with: bcdedit /debug on Install Debugging Tools for Windows (for example, as part of the Windows SDK - https://www.

Cross-Site Scripting Attacks with adverse Conditions: Upper-Case XSS

Several times I have encountered web applications that convert user-provided input to capital letters. For example, the application may behave as follows: The injected JavaScript code (after escaping from the quotes, of course) will not be executed in the browser. Why is this the case? Remember that the HTML tag names themselves, including <SCRIPT> are not case-sensitive, whereas the contents inside them are in fact case-sensitive. You can circumvent this limitation by using a different injection technique that involves, for instance, <img> tags and converting the JavaScript code into HTML entities.